Monday, August 29, 2011

Well its just a perfect day..It cant be better, instead of getting down in the station i used to, i just got down in the next station.. And the all time tensed peoples of my house thought that i slept in the train, which caused me to walk in the rail for over one hour. First of all i used to think that i am a very brave man!! but at that point of time i was afraid!! seriously, it was 10pm, n pitch dark but thank god my i had a torch in my mobile..that relieved me a bit. AND i was afraid of the so called BHOOTS( ghosts, in India we call it bhoot), well because there was a graveyard in the way. AND despite of that fact that i was afraid i cant tell everyone that i was afraid because it will ruin my repo.. i.e. reputation in the rate at which a house of playing cards get scrambled when someone touches it. But finally my savior i.e. ME got an adrenaline rush and i walked and walked very quickly. But i still regret calling at home, they called at least 20 times. they send a rescue team which included some of the heroic persons in of our village. Well that was one good ghostly experience, though there was no special appearance of ghostss.....:-)

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